QUANTUM MERUIT - "as much as he deserves"

Quantum meruit: Expression means "as much as he deserves," and describes the extent of liability on a contract implied by law.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Truly it is in evidence of the character as to how one treats another after

Funny how people are willing to pay when they need something...

John DeLaGarza - 12:11am May 10, 2006 Central

but then complain about how it costs too much when they dont need it anymore.


Fisherman Peter Fredrickson, an aircraft contractor at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, wedged his two-wheel drive pickup into some mire at the Mustang Island wildlife area. He lost his sandals in the mud hole, cut his feet and couldn't walk to the highway but flagged a fisherman in a kayak who lent him a cell phone.

"All I could do was call the number on this sign about 50 yards from where I was stuck," Fredrickson said. The sign read "All Terrain Towing," and listed a phone number.

Jon Prince, 42, showed up. Fredrickson hopped into the cab of his truck and asked the cost.

He agreed to pay $450 by charge card, and Prince pulled his pickup out with a cable in less than 15 minutes, Fredrickson said. It wasn't until he got home that Fredrickson felt the price was too high.

"I think this overpricing is price gouging," Fredrickson said.

Well if the price was too much he shouldnt have paid it and gotten someone else to do the job.

zzdog - 01:11pm May 10, 2006 Central (#1 of 65) Reply

Well if the price was too much he shouldnt have paid it and gotten someone else to do the job.

Porter Goss - 08:01pm May 11, 2006 Central (#2 of 65) Reply

Somehow, I find it hard to believe you so called conservatives would applaud a monopoly? But then again, you still believe the BS that spews from Bush's mouth too.. so I guess I'm really not surprised, just dismayed.

What happened to the Conservative/Republican call for FREE TRADE, or fair markets and open markets, and .. well reasonable pricing? Without more detail it's hard to say for sure, but it does sound like the guy was taken advantage of... but like someone said, he agreed. And then after he had time to consider what had happened, he discovered the price was a bit extreme.

Humm, let's see now, it's OK when the oil companies say they need to have standards relaxed, and taxes rolled back so they can compete better, or in reality make obscene profits, but when an average JOE, a normal guy is gouged, it's time to make fun of him?

How very Republican.
GRusling - 08:51am May 12, 2006 Central (#3 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

You're a one-trick-pony, aren't you?

No matter what occurs, you simply blame the "republicans," all the while ignoring all the "democrats" around you doing the exact, same thing you find so problematic on the right.

I guess it's easier to be simple-minded...
Porter Goss - 01:38pm May 12, 2006 Central (#4 of 65) Reply

Oh really where are the Democratsmaking fun of some poor guy who was taken advantage of by some carpetbagger? And you sir? All you can seem to say is it's OK when Republicans do it.

I mean BIG BUSNESS is all that matters, no matter what. If big business is ok, then all is fine in the world.

You totally ignore what they are doing to the planet and to middle American's. My, aren't you a one trick pony too!

And talk about simple minded, you can't even comprehend the situation. All I was pointing out is that the 2 guys laughing it up about the guy paying $450.00 to get a vehicle towed are some of the first to defend Big Money Republicans. And when this poor slob complains about being treated unfaily, they think it's funny. Yet, when big business says we aren't beign treated fairly Republicans run to the rescue. Then we find out, they are making OBSCENE priofits. I guess you don't see the hypocrisy, because in reality, you are just like them.. greedy, selfish and Republican!
GRusling - 04:23pm May 12, 2006 Central (#5 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

And spreading...
Porter Goss - 12:05pm May 13, 2006 Central (#6 of 65) Reply

Oh, I guess you haven't read the latest polling.. MORE Americans are once again identifying themselves as DEMS, not greedy, selfish and Republican! So once again, the Freer Fossil is wrong! Yet, he'll never admit it!
I Am Whom I Am - 01:21pm May 13, 2006 Central (#7 of 65) Reply

His only problem is he still watches faux as does my husband, though they realize much is wrong, its extremely hard to admit it fully when they continue to allow the mass of propaganda and brain washing techinques to infiltrate their intellect..

Even the CIA, some of them have openly admitted that such has been in play for quite some time..

So who did you or I fail to become tricked? Who knows, perhaps some minds are more easily deceived.
harry reid - 02:24pm May 13, 2006 Central (#8 of 65) Reply
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

CNN: Clinton outperforms Bush in every category
harry reid - 02:26pm May 13, 2006 Central (#9 of 65) Reply
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

Video-WMP Video-QT

harry reid - 02:27pm May 13, 2006 Central (#10 of 65) Reply
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

The poll of 1,021 adult Americans was conducted May 5-7 by Opinion Research Corp. for CNN. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points...read on" This isn't a flash poll that was done before anyone had a chance to understand the issues.
harry reid - 02:40pm May 13, 2006 Central (#11 of 65) Reply
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

# This poll was UNNECESSARY becuase it's obvious to anyone who lived through the era that Clinton outpermed the Chimperor in all ways.

What this article fails to mention is that Clinton outperformed Bush while fighting off the rabid, GOP congress of Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott that was determined not only to thwart his program but used every institutional lever of power they had to destroy him personally...
I Am Whom I Am - 04:28pm May 13, 2006 Central (#12 of 65) Reply

Exactly Harry, which proves without a shadow of doubt how inept this presidency is.
GRusling - 09:05am May 14, 2006 Central (#13 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

I Am Whom I Am 5/13/06 2:21pm

His only problem is he still watches faux as does my husband

Apparently you need to take lessons from your husband or, do you simply ignore "reality" when it disagrees with what you prefer? Of the "Top 10 News Shows" on cable television, "9" are on "FOX News" and that would be the TOP "9" with only "1" (the number 10 spot) going to another network.

If you bothered to watch you'd also notice that Fox ROUTINELY attacks "republicans" for their errors and mistakes. What they don't do is "demagogue the issue." You'd also know that they "routinely" support and promote several democratic politicians, like Senator Joe Lieberman.

Fox reports "both sides" of political issues. Brit Hume is one of the most honest, believable and respected news analysts on American television. You might try catching his program sometimes.

Bill O'Reily is definitely a conservative who takes up a lot of their issues. If you listen though, you'll quickly discover that he makes NO EXCUSES for our current administration and constantly points out the errors in much of what it does. He's not a republican although, he probably votes that way out of disgust for democratic politics.

Sean Hannity is an unabashed republican, a fan of "Rush Limbaugh" and, while I disagree with about "90%" of what he says he believes, it's nice to see SOMEONE in the "MSM" actually allow "both sides" to air their viewpoint. Alan Coombs, of course, is a moderate democrat, not even close to the "radical liberal" Hannity accuses him of being. I rarely watch their show because I dislike all the yelling and screaming.

You might be surprised, if you'd open your mind, how much "information" is available on Fox, which is not reported by any other news network. That might also explain why their "viewers"
GRusling - 09:06am May 14, 2006 Central (#14 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...


That might also explain why their "viewers" outnumber any other news network by such a huge margin and ALL OTHERS COMBINED in most categories...
KhachTX - 10:26am May 14, 2006 Central (#15 of 65) Reply
"The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions."

O'reilly......what a gift on a Mother's Day morning...let's see....hmm...will smearing a dead man do?

Stephen Rogers is a "villain", "unprofessional", and "incompetent". - Bill O'Reilly smearing Stephen Rogers, who actually died in 2002. The O'Reilly Factor, 4/24/06

and the hysterical stuff on Colbert doing his "conservative host pundit routines"...


" And now for some fake news: The Colbert Report. If you flip through the cable news channels any weeknight, you’re bound to see a collection of talking heads — rather shouting heads — who draw large audiences with a diet of often wildly inaccurate but patriotic and combative noise. The shows are not exactly news or entertainment but are exactly outrageous. Bill O’Reilly perfected the formula on Fox, and others have successfully followed his recipe. With all of their excesses, it was only a matter of time before someone came along to skewer them. Well, the eagle has landed.

Then there were clips of O'Reilly telling a guests to shut his mouth and threatening to shut off the mic of another. The clips were similar to the ones used in Greenwald's Outfoxed. At another point Safer and Colbert talked about O'Reilly as an inspirational force.

"Apart from the substance which you in a sense borrow from these guys, what about mannerisms?" Safer asked.

"Volume is very important," Colbert answered. "The only real way to tell your audience what's important is what you say loudest. I can say it up here. Or I could say it down here. But I will cut off your mic, Sir. Get, shut up. Shut up, Safer," he joked in character."
KhachTX - 10:33am May 14, 2006 Central (#16 of 65) Reply
"The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions."

and what is funny, is that O'reilly has to take it because the comedy news guys are kicking his rear...and will continue to do so every time he makes a fool of himself yet again...O'reilly's bullying tactics and his so called objectivity are just wide open for use on the comedy shows...his lies and manipulations are just too easy to pass up...perhaps, GR, you might watch the comedy channel for a more objective look at O'Falafel...and realize what both have in common, they are ENTERTAINMENT shows...both o'reilly and colbert....neither are presenting any news...but colbert comes closer to being a real columnist, his satire is amazing....of course, o'reilly is such an ego maniac, he probably believes colbert truly is flattering him! so funny...
GRusling - 04:38pm May 14, 2006 Central (#17 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

Another "voice of reason" heard from!

Apparently one which spends all her time watching "FOX NEWS" because she certainly knows a lot more about what's going on there than I do...
Porter Goss - 05:49pm May 14, 2006 Central (#18 of 65) Reply

No doubt about it GR, almost anyone is more aware than you.

But of course, you are the end all when it comes to knowledge... correct? You've proven it time and time again. God stopped giving anyone intelligence after he gave it all to you.. Ha ha

You have such a pathetic case... of Know It All!

Yes sir at FAUX News you get both sides of an issue, The President's and the Vice President's. GOD, you really are a fool GR. Faux News is about as objective as you are, which of course explains just why you and Faux are such a good fit. You can enhance and embrace each other's perverse right wing views. Talk about a one trick pony.

# Oh yes, by the way, BUSH has an approval rating above 50% in only four states. So, tell me again, is the entire country wrong for believing that BUSH is inept, and the Republicans holding elected office are off course and many are corrupt?
harry reid - 04:31pm May 17, 2006 Central (#19 of 65) Reply
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

College or Cronyism? Which Did the GOP Choose?

Earlier today, President Bush signed into law the infamous tax bill that couldn't provide a more stark contrast between the two political parties. By now, we're all pretty well-acquainted with the reality that a $40,000 income will net you $17 in tax benefits (woo hoo!) while the millionaires among us will reap $42,000.

But there's a more powerful - and simple - metaphor lurking behind the scenes during the history of negotiation of this legislation.

When first proposed, the Senate version included a revision of arcane accounting rules under which the oil companies were escaping taxes by being permitted to undervalue oil in storage. This change would have netted the federal government approximately $5.1 billion in taxes. When the House and the White House objected, the provision was removed.

Also present in the original Senate bill was an extension of expiring college tuition deductions designed to help middle class Americans handle the spiraling cost of higher education. According to Sen. Charles Schumer, who talked to bloggers on a conference call yesterday, the savings to middle America was approximately the same as the amount originally proposed to tax the oil companies. During reconciliation of the House and Senate bills, the tuition deductions were stripped.

harry reid - 04:32pm May 17, 2006 Central (#20 of 65) Reply
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

So. We are presented with our metaphor: continuing tax breaks for Bush's oil cronies in the same amount that was denied the middle class to educate its children. While the Republicans are claiming a second tax bill is coming down the line that will restore the deductions, Sen. Max Baucus, the top Democrat on the Finance Committee, isn't buying it:

"Hard-working Americans who depend on these already expired provisions are being told not to worry, there is another bill coming down the pike to take care of them," he said. But "a different tax vehicle has a high likelihood of breaking down."

Sounds like the broken-record refrain we've come to know and love from the Republican Party: Trust us. We'll take care of you ... eventually. After, of course, the GOP takes care of its own first, leaving something like $17 to spread between the rest of us. http://www.dailykos.com

harry reid - 04:34pm May 17, 2006 Central (#21 of 65) Reply
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

Funny How the REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED HOUSE, SENATE and President consistently screw over the little people for their rich contributors!
GRusling - 09:39pm May 17, 2006 Central (#22 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

Porter Goss 5/14/06 6:49pm

God stopped giving anyone intelligence after he gave it all to you.. Ha ha

Not sure if or when god stopped passing out intelligence but apparently he skipped you, at least...
Einstein's Ghost - 09:56am May 18, 2006 Central (#23 of 65) Reply
"Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds." -Albert Einstein


If Fox news is kicking every other network's butt, then wouldn't it make sense that those other networks would do whatever it takes to bring them down? Logically, yes. Then logically, what method would they use? Wouldn't it make sense that they would jump all over anything that Fox says that is wrong? Wouldn't it make sense that they would try to create a sense of scandal surrounding Fox, condemning them for "lying" and "slander" and "promoting dishonest propaganda?" So what do we see?

Other than a few individual bloggers and pundits (whose accusations never get any traction, by the way), none of that is happening. We don't see the other major networks trumpeting accusations against Fox, but we do see things like the Dan Rather scandal, etc. So what can we conclude?

Fox REALLY IS fair and balanced, and they really do present both sides accurately, and they have the respect and trust of the vast majority of Americans, and it's the other major networks that don't tell the whole story on issues. So you clowns either are not paying attention, or you've been completely brainwashed. You think you're smarter than the millions of viewers who disagree with you? Do you really give equal time to Fox to see what they are really saying, or do you just believe everything the "Daily Kommunist" and its followers tell you?
I Am Whom I Am - 06:28pm May 18, 2006 Central (#24 of 65) Reply

Omg, talk about living in a fantasy land.
GRusling - 06:50am May 19, 2006 Central (#25 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

I Am Whom I Am 5/18/06 7:28pm

Omg, talk about living in a fantasy land.

That's where you live. FOX actually reports both sides of most stories and leaves it up to the "viewer" to decide what that means, if you would take the time to listen to the "news" and quit trying to make O'Reilly and Hannity "news reporters" when they're not! They're "talking heads," "analysts with a point of view" (which you obviously disagree with) who don't report the news, even when it breaks during their own show! Another term for them is "Talk Show Hosts" like Larry King, Oprah Winfrey and "Ellen!"

These people all talk about the news but none of them report it...
Porter Goss - 02:22pm May 19, 2006 Central (#26 of 65) Reply

Redneck Righteousness... that's what it is.

# This old man actually believe his hogwash.

If he couldn't call people stupid, or bash them as unpatriotic for differening views, he'd have nothing to say.

What is really funny is how when he makes one of his rightwing view claims he expects everyone to accept it as gospel even though he backs it with nothing but his feeble mined opinion. Talk about a credibility gap GR, your's is the widest!
Porter Goss - 02:26pm May 19, 2006 Central (#27 of 65) Reply

I see, I guess that is why FOX conveniently omits party affiliation (naming them Republicans as they would if they were Democrats) when it reporst about the latest Senate and House members being investigated for corruption. Yeah, fair and balanced my a$$!

GR, do you really expect anyone other than another Kool Aid drinker to believe this garbage? OK, c'mon Native of CC, chime in with the village idiot.. tell us how Fox reports both sides of an issue.

Both sides huh? That would be the right and FAR Right?
Einstein's Ghost - 04:30pm May 19, 2006 Central (#28 of 65) Reply
"Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds." -Albert Einstein

I'll bet all you Fox bashers never even watch it. C'mon, fess up. How many hours a week can you honestly say you spend watching Fox news, as opposed to say, reading the Daily Kommunist? And I mean really watching the news broadcasts, not just cherry-picking little tidbits of some talking head's show. If you try to claim that you actually watch the NEWS on Fox with an open mind, then there is no way you can support your argument that they're not balanced in their reporting.
zzdog - 05:08pm May 19, 2006 Central (#29 of 65) Reply

no one seems to know that Alan Colmes is also on with Hannity ,, He doesn't let old Sean get away with anything , or his anorexic sidekick Ann Colter

,,Each side may be extreme in their own way ,, but they do present both sides ,, Just maybe not what some people want to hear from the oppostion.. a good argument and even the truth supported by facts.

Greta is fair ,,,
I Am Whom I Am - 09:39pm May 19, 2006 Central (#30 of 65) Reply

Media Matters is all I have to say.....

All you have to do is watch them themselves put their foot in thiers mouths, they do it so very often....

Its pretty easy when it's all caught on tap to realize the truth that Faux is anything but fair, they are a joke period as are most networks, but I do have to say faux is the worst.
I Am Whom I Am - 09:40pm May 19, 2006 Central (#31 of 65) Reply

I feel sorry for Alan, how they treat him is sick, if I were him I would not even set foot on the same stage as those idiots, they use him as a punching bag and the resident court jester, he is virtually IGNORED, it's so sad.
GRusling - 09:09am May 20, 2006 Central (#32 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

Porter Goss 5/19/06 3:22pm

If he couldn't call people stupid, or bash them as unpatriotic for differening views, he'd have nothing to say.

You are stupid, that's why you're called that.

As for the "patriotic" part, that's just more of your "stupid B.S." from your "talking points memo" because I know nothing about your patriotism since we haven't discussed it as best I can recall...
GRusling - 09:10am May 20, 2006 Central (#33 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

Porter Goss 5/19/06 3:26pm

I see, I guess that is why FOX conveniently omits party affiliation (naming them Republicans as they would if they were Democrats) when it reporst about the latest Senate and House members being investigated for corruption. Yeah, fair and balanced my a$$!

When Tom DeLay is identified as the "House Majority Leader" MOST people realize he's a REPUBLICAN! I know such things confuse YOU but, that's just your own personal problem.

Of course, I'm sure you have no problem at all when "democrats" aren't even named by other news agencies (like the New York Times), in spite of their involvement in "corrupt" schemes of various sorts. Unless there's a "republican" involved, the stuff doesn't even get reported!

That's not as common on TV as it used to be though, I'll agree, since "FOX" has broken them of that bad habit by taking most of their viewers away...
GRusling - 09:12am May 20, 2006 Central (#34 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

zzdog 5/19/06 6:08pm

Greta is fair ,,,

She's also a CARD CARRYING LIBERAL but she doesn't let that get in the way of her "reporting!" I agree, she's completely fair and avoids "partisan politics" as much as possible, even though you can sometimes see her grit her teeth...
GRusling - 09:14am May 20, 2006 Central (#35 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

I Am Whom I Am 5/19/06 10:40pm

they use him as a punching bag and the resident court jester, he is virtually IGNORED, it's so sad.

You need to check the details. Alan Colmes was nobody until "FOX" hired him to sit across from Sean Hannity and present the opposing view. He had a small "radio" following in Boston and New York while Hannity was already syndicated and well known nationally. In spite of the billing, Colmes is not a "radical liberal" and never was. He's a moderate democrat.

You might also be surprised to learn that "Hannity" turns a lot of "conservatives" TOTALLY OFF with his undying "defense" of anything and everything "republican!"

This is part of what's great about "FOX." You can hear whatever viewpoint you want if you hang around, then there's the "news" which just reports on what happened.

If you're interested, Alan Colmes now has a "syndicated talk show" on "FOX Radio" for all his "liberal" fans...
zzdog - 09:15am May 20, 2006 Central (#36 of 65) Reply

gr Greta is fair ,,, She's also a CARD CARRYING LIBERAL but she doesn't let that get in the way of her "reporting!" I agree, she's completely fair and avoids "partisan politics" as much as possible, even though you can sometimes see her grit her teeth...

ha ha ,,,i think it best to watch several stations ,,read a lot and talk to as many people as possible ,,, why I have even learned things and changed my mind from reading posts ,,dare i say it ,, on here !!! .......
I Am Whom I Am - 12:47pm May 20, 2006 Central (#37 of 65) Reply

There is nothing great about faux network and all that work for them should be embarressed with the association and all who watch them should only do so in order to realize how they love to manipulate its dwindling fans.
native of C.C. - 06:50pm May 20, 2006 Central (#38 of 65) Reply

its dwindling fans.

Who have you been listening to lately? - last time I heard, FOX was WELL ahead of any other news channel in the ratings.

In a 2006 poll conducted by Reuters and the BBC, 11 percent of Americans named Fox News as the most trusted news source, which is more than any other source in the U.S. including ABC (4 percent), NBC (4 percent) and CBS (3 percent).

I Am Whom I Am - 10:53pm May 20, 2006 Central (#39 of 65) Reply

Wikipedia can be seen as a good sight some times but anyone can edit entries and there have been entries known to be false that have remained, I stand by my facts that state that Faux is fast losing it's once loyal viewing public.
KhachTX - 11:18pm May 20, 2006 Central (#40 of 65) Reply
"The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions."

yeah...gotta love that Olbermann vs O'Rielly rap....it's funny...Olbermann's take on fox is hysterical...and accurate, must be cuz he worked there? who knows, he never lets them slide on their type of "objectivity"....
native of C.C. - 11:38pm May 20, 2006 Central (#41 of 65) Reply

Wikipedia can be seen as a good sight some times

What - when it upholds your point of view - otherwise it has been edited - kinda like your claim to unedited videos?
I Am Whom I Am - 12:59am May 21, 2006 Central (#42 of 65) Reply

Thats not true Native, I go to a site that has people that honestly investigate and can back up claims as to what is real and what is not, it does not always end up with my agreeing and it doesn't matter on that score, believe what you want but I do keep my options open and I don't believe anyone that seems to believe faux news cares about being fair has a chance in hades of ever ending up with the truth regarding any issue;
GRusling - 08:49am May 21, 2006 Central (#43 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

I Am Whom I Am 5/20/06 11:53pm

I stand by my facts that state that Faux is fast losing it's once loyal viewing public.

If you can find even "one" poll/study/survey which agrees with your so-called "facts," I'd love to see it! Everything I've seen or heard says FOX is growing bigger and "gaining" viewers, just like it has been since it started. It has somewhere around "twice" the viewers of CNN (which used to be #1) among Cable News Networks and the margin just keeps on growing.

I think your "facts" are nothing but wishful thinking...
native of C.C. - 08:53am May 21, 2006 Central (#44 of 65) Reply

However poorly that you think it does, FOX is the ONLY site that I know of that trys to give both sides of the issue. both conservative and liberal. No other site that I know of even trys. If you know of another one please tell me. When I want information on an issue, I never trust a site or channel that gives only their biased opinion, kind of like a one sided debate - they prove or disprove nothing. How can one honestly portray an issue without taking into account the opposing view, an not just their intrepration of the opposing view remarks? Anyone can twist another's view point around to change the actual meaning, it's been done time and time again by both sides, so unless you see a face to face debate, your only getting one side of the issue. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? There are plenty of sites both liberal and conservative that will give only their side of an issue. If I am to make up my mind, I need to hear the direct opinion of both sides of an issue, otherwise you can't tell what is "fact" and what is just plain biased opinion. Baised opinion has it's place, but if your going to use it to make an imformed choice, lets do both sides biased opinion side by side.
KhachTX - 12:20pm May 21, 2006 Central (#45 of 65) Reply
"The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions."

Native, and in my opinion, FOX is very right wing oriented...they either hand pick so called "liberal" pundits that give uneducated, poorly articulated views...or IF they get an articulate moderate or liberal who does not agree with Fox's propaganda, they put that person with one of their infamous bullies, like O'Rielly, whose fans are lock step with whatever he utters...no matter its source, reliablity, or level of truth...and it becomes just "whoever yells louder" wins....and believe it or not, Democrats have intelligent, gracious, literate people who do not participate in that kind of media trash. Read them sometimes instead of following blindly behind Fox and its pundits....

It is just good sense to wonder about a media outlet that blindly endorses this WH administration. 70% of Americans have figured this WH out....it's the rest of you we wonder about...and who Fox News cultivates...

CNN has taken too much of turn to the right for me, but I watch their international news, they are top notch reporters. MSNBC is usually what is on, but they let the weekend slide and that is aggravating to me. Do our military members that die in Iraq and Afghanistan on the weekends not deserve the distinction of MSNBC reporting it? ABC on Sunday morning runs the names of all the military killed that week...every young Marine I see, I think "some young medical corpsman tried like hell to save that kid's life"...how will they live with failing? ( sorry, slipped into mom's mode there....)
native of C.C. - 03:31pm May 21, 2006 Central (#46 of 65) Reply

Democrats have intelligent, gracious, literate people who do not participate in that kind of media trash. Read them sometimes instead of following blindly behind Fox and its pundits....

Why - because they only allow their views to be aired not the opposition - when there is no one to oppose your point of view, who is there to yell at -NOBODY!!!!!
KhachTX - 03:34pm May 21, 2006 Central (#47 of 65) Reply
"The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions."

no, native, they debate frequently...check cspan sometime, but you have to really listen, no crawlers across the bottom telling you what that cable station wants you to believe...

they appear on the Sunday shows...and they appear occasionally on Hardball....or Scarborugh...whereever mutual adversaries can meet respectfully...altho it can reach the edge at times there...

they do tend to skip Fox....those guys are really into yelling.
GRusling - 09:18am May 22, 2006 Central (#48 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

KhachTX 5/21/06 1:20pm

It is just good sense to wonder about a media outlet that blindly endorses this WH administration. 70% of Americans have figured this WH out....it's the rest of you we wonder about...and who Fox News cultivates...

You might want to actually listen to O'Reilly now and then. He has no problem at all blasting the "Bush Whitehouse" or most other "republicans" on any number of issues. I disagree with him on a lot of things but one of them certainly is not his willingness to take on ANYONE he disagrees with, regardless of their political affiliation.

I also saw some "interesting" poll results this morning:

71% of "republicans" think Bush is doing a good job and 13% of democrats agree with them!

For a man with a "28% Approval Rating" these days, it makes you wonder who the MAJORITY is in America!

Apparently that would be people like myself, who refuse to identify with either of them...
KhachTX - 09:27am May 22, 2006 Central (#49 of 65) Reply
"The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions."

I've attempted to listen to O'reilly, he's like Sammy Allred here in Austin on KVET...he's rude, and obnoxious, and doesn't allow people to finish their sentences FREQUENTLY and subscribes to the theory of "whoever is loudest" wins... I've never allowed my children to talk to others like that, and I don't listen to people that talk to others like that. Rude. Unnecessary.

He is a joke, even in the home of influential Republicans, you hear them laughing at him...and journalists do NOT consider him credible.

but...his job is entertainment, and I guess with people like you that watch that sort of stuff, he's a real hit.
GRusling - 04:45pm May 22, 2006 Central (#50 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

Actually, I agree that O'Reilly is rude and, often as not, somewhere out in "right" field. He has some good "talking points" but his idea of a "fix" is usually nutty! Sometimes he's funny.

I really don't care for him though and rarely watch his show.

I watch the "REAL News" on FOX though and I thoroughly enjoy Brit Hume, who is intelligent and an honest news analyst...
Porter Goss - 11:01pm May 27, 2006 Central (#51 of 65) Reply

WHAT? FOX is as impartial as GR...

FOX does nothing but promote conservative propaganda while misleading and misdrepresenting opposing virews. It's just that simple. Thgey'll twist, decieve and manipulte facts to do so at every opportunity!
Porter Goss - 11:16pm May 27, 2006 Central (#52 of 65) Reply

If you can't even admit that often FOX has not even identified the Republicans under investigation as BEING REPUBLICAN... then how could you ever admit anything else?

My God GR, they (FOX) go to extremes, way out of their way to run interference for this administration. They plainly have an agenda and if you ever took your rose colored glasses off you'd see it. Sadly, you are in your twilight years and I guess it's unrealistic to expect an old redneck like you to change... huh?

You and your ilk have nothing, zero defenses for your ignorant right wing views so if anyone disagrees... you call them stupid. Time and time again GR... that's all you ever do. Being called stupid by a redneck like you is a badge of honor.

Thank God, you and your hate mongering, war mongering, bigoted generation of rednecks are going the way of the dinosaurs. If only you hadn't drank the Kool Aid for as long as you have.
GRusling - 11:12am May 28, 2006 Central (#53 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

Porter Goss 5/28/06 12:16am

If you can't even admit that often FOX has not even identified the Republicans under investigation as BEING REPUBLICAN... then how could you ever admit anything else?

Being a "partisan democrat" you see the fact that these particular politicians are "republican" as a major issue but, what if you were neutral? What if you saw ALL politicians as "the problem?" Would it matter whether they were republican or democrat? I suggest that it WOULD NOT!

Only because of your own bias do you consider this a "problem." For my purpose, it doesn't matter. "EB" could care less since he thinks EVERYONE IN WASHINGTON should be sent back where they came from PENNILESS! For the most part, I agree with him. I just can't figure out a way to accomplish that little trick so I address "smaller" problems I can wrap my small understanding around!

Your biggest problem is your PARTISAN approach, which won't solve any problems at all. It will only hi-lite a different set of problems while all the others remain unanswered...
I Am Whom I Am - 11:20am May 28, 2006 Central (#54 of 65) Reply

Not politicians persay, but more so the political spear..

When my uncle attempted to run for a high position, the back stabbing and outright criminal way they harrassed him for not agreeing with certain issues soured him for all time...

If we want to see changes, then such shannigans by those attempting blackmail in the light need to become more exposed than perhaps the good ones can actually be heard.
GRusling - 01:05pm May 28, 2006 Central (#55 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

I Am Whom I Am 5/28/06 12:20pm

You touch on "one" of the problems in the political arena these days.

Very few people have led a life so "pristine" its intimate details won't provide fodder for the "political spin machine" in place across the spectrum in todays politics.

This is one reason why GOOD PEOPLE stay far away from politics and we're left with nothing but the "dregs" to pick from...
I Am Whom I Am - 03:38pm May 28, 2006 Central (#56 of 65) Reply

What do you consider good people since we know very well no one is free of a few skeletons in their closet?
native of C.C. - 04:17pm May 28, 2006 Central (#57 of 65) Reply

What do you consider good people since we know very well no one is free of a few skeletons in their closet?

How about the ones with the least amount of skeletons for starters.
I Am Whom I Am - 06:47pm May 28, 2006 Central (#58 of 65) Reply

Thats not an answer Native, need to be more specific.
GRusling - 10:42am May 29, 2006 Central (#59 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

If you actually find a "GOOD" person, give me a call so I can meet him too!

The answer is, of course, "The Best and the Brightest." Why would they want to expose themselves to all the mudslinging and back-biting of the political arena? They can make all the money they can spend in the private sector. Only those who are totally "power hungry" (and a few complete idiots) would expose their families and friends to the muck-raking of national politics! It's bad enough at the "local" and State level without climbing into the sewer of Washington DC!!!
I Am Whom I Am - 02:52pm May 29, 2006 Central (#60 of 65) Reply

Well, I can't say that I disagree with such reasoning Gr, I don't believe that if anyone was even ninety nine percent seen as a decent upstanding and kind and caring person that such would remain a part of their character for all that long when finding themselves in such an arena of wicked people...

I don't know how such could be accomplished but I sure wish we could seriously clean house, and not another country's but our own, such an undertaking is surely needed and that does not include allowing those fanatical false idol worshipers to replace the ones alread there...

Scary thought that one, I don't know which would be worse, power hungry ordinary citizens or power hungry religious brethen.
GRusling - 10:01am May 30, 2006 Central (#61 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern. - Lord Acton
I Am Whom I Am - 10:36pm May 30, 2006 Central (#62 of 65) Reply

And that leaves us defensless and probably the very reason why we continue to repeat history over and over again, good thing one doesn't have to live forever, it would surely drive you mad.
GRusling - 10:30am May 31, 2006 Central (#63 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...

The original object of our constitutional form was a "classless" society. Unfortunately, that concept (like our constitution) has been forgotten by modern Americans...
From__Said - 10:26am Jun 3, 2006 Central (#64 of 65) Reply
I did NOT vote for him - and I'm proud of it!

The original object of our constitutional form was a "classless" society

what a communistic idea!!! And GruSSling admires it!

What a novel thing to look at!

Hahahahahahahahaha - sorry - this is killing!
GRusling - 03:38pm Jun 4, 2006 Central (#65 of 65) Reply
If voting could really change things, it would be illegal...